Jurix 2004 presentations

The presentations (in PowerPoint format) are below.

Ben Hachey and Claire Grover; University of Edinburgh; “Sentence Classification Experiments for Legal Text Summarisation”

Alison Chorley and Trevor Bench-Capon; University of Liverpool; “AGATHA: Automation of the Construction of Theories of Case Domains”

Tom M. van Engers, Radboud Winkels, Alexander Boer, and Emile de Maat; University of Amsterdam; “Internet – Portal to Justice?”

Andrea Bolini, Luca Dini, Pietro Mercatali, and Francesco Romano; ITTIG CNR, Florence; “Models of ‘Novelle’ and Normative Grammar”

Sylvie Despres and Sylvie Szulman; Rene Descartes University, Paris; “Construction of a Legal Ontology from a European Community Legislative Text”

Atefeh Farzindar and Guy Lapalme; University of Montreal; “LetSum, an Automatic Legal Text Summarizing System”

Marie-Francine Moens; Catholic University of Leuven; “XML Retrieval Models for Legislation”

Tom M. van Engers, Ron van Gog, and Kamal Sayah; University of Amsterdam; “A Case Study on Automated Norm Extraction”

Guido Governatori and Antonino Rotolo; CIRSFID, University of Bologna; “Modeling Contracts using RuleML”

Joost Breuker and Rinke Hoekstra; University of Amsterdam; “DIRECT: Ontology-based Discovery of Responsibility and Causality in Legal Cases”

Burkhard Schafer and Jeroen Keppens; University of Edinburgh; “Murdered by Parties Unknown – Speculative Reasoning in Law and Logic”

Alexander Boer, Radboud Winkels, Tom M. van Engers and Emile de Maat; University of Amsterdam; “A Content Management System Based on an Event-based Model of Version Management Information in Legislation”

Floris Bex and Henry Prakken; Utrecht University and the University of Groningen; “Reinterpreting Arguments in Dialogue: An Application to Evidential Reasoning”

V. Richard Benjamins, Jesus Contreras, Mercedes Blazquez, Luis Rodrigo Pompeu Casanovas and Marta Poblet; International Software Components and the Autonomous University of Barcelona; “The SEKT Legal Use Case Components: Ontology and Architecture”

Bram Roth and Bart Verheij; University of Groningen; “Dialectical Arguments and Case Comparison”
