Call for Papers of the 35th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 2022)
— Topics —
For more than 30 years, the JURIX conference has provided an international forum for research on the intersection of Law, Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems, under the auspices of The JURIX Foundation for Legal Knowledge Systems.
This year we invite submission of original papers on the advanced management of legal information and knowledge systems, covering foundations, methods, tools, systems and applications. We welcome submissions on a wide variety of topics including, but not limited to, the following:
I – Theory and foundations
Contributions to the theory and interdisciplinary foundations for the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques in the legal and forensic domain. Papers should demonstrate (formal) validity, novelty and significance of the work.
– Representation languages and formalisms for legal knowledge
– Models of legal and ethical knowledge, including concepts (legal ontologies), rules, cases, principles, values, procedures and society models
– Models of legal interactions of autonomous agents and digital institutions, including normative systems, and norm-governed societies
– Methods and algorithms for performing legal inference, including argumentation
– Methods and algorithms for designing legal data analytics and predictive models
– Methods for explainable AI in the legal domain
– Computational methods for negotiation and contract formation
– Formal and computational models of evidential reasoning
– Formal and computational models of legal reasoning (e.g. argumentation, case-based reasoning, rule-based reasoning)
– Legal foundations for the use of AI in the Judiciary
– Legal foundations of Legal Tech-Application
– Legal foundations of technologies for automated legal transactions (e.g. smart contracts)
II – Technology
Contributions to the technological advancement of Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems in the legal and forensic domain. Papers should demonstrate quality, novelty and significance of the work, and evaluate results
– Technology for expressing the structure and connections of legal texts and rules, including legislative, judicial, parliamentary, administrative acts as well as private documents, such as contracts
– Technology for expressing the semantics of legal information and knowledge, including Legal Open Data, Legal Big Data, Knowledge Graph Database
– Technology for the large scale analysis of legal knowledge and information
– Technology for the verification and validation of legal knowledge systems, including checking compliance systems
– Technology for digital-rights management, licensing, access policies and authorisation, including issues in social networks
– Technology for managing privacy, cybersecurity and digital identity issues, including blockchain methods
– Technology for managing eCommerce, fraud detection and new market platforms issues
– Technology for natural language processing and annotation of legal texts
– Technology for social simulations in the legal domain and for democratic innovation
– Technology for information retrieval over large bodies of legal texts and legal data
– Support and methodologies for the acquisition, management or use of legal knowledge in information systems
– Machine and deep learning for classification of legal information and legal knowledge extraction (comparison to existing baselines)
III – Applications
Implementations of AI&Law technology in real world systems. Papers should demonstrate added value, novelty and significance of the work and, if possible, validate the described system and evaluate (potential) impact.
– Support for the production and management of legislation, in agenda setting, policy analysis, drafting, publishing and implementation
– Support for the judiciary, in application of the law, analysis of evidence, management of cases
– Support for lawyers, in legal reasoning, document drafting, negotiation
– Support for police and law enforcement activities, in forensic inquiries, search and evaluation of evidence, management of investigations
– Support for public administration, in applying regulations and managing information
– Support for business, economic transactions, and other private parties in managing regulatory compliance and compliance of business processes
– Support for private parties in using alternative forms of dispute resolution, particularly online
– Support for governance and citizens in enhancing participation, for a better communication (e.g fake news) and democracy (e.g. political data in social media)
– Support for education by using legal information systems in a teaching environment
–– Long, Short, and Demo Paper submission —
The deadline for paper submission is September 11th, 2022.
The conference proceedings will be published by IOS Press in their series Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (FAIA). Papers are to be submitted through the Easychair Conference Management System in PDF format. The Jurix 2022 Easychair link will be available soon.
All submissions should be formatted using the styles and guidelines ( in the IOS Press Instructions for Authors.
There are three categories of papers. Please indicate a category when you submit your paper to Easychair.
** Long papers **
These are reports of well-developed and original research. An accepted long paper scores well in terms of relevance, originality, technical quality, significance, literature review, presentation, reviewer’s confidence, and overall evaluation. These should not exceed 10 pages. A paper which is not accepted as a long paper may be recommended by reviewers as a short paper.
** Short papers **
Authors can submit short descriptions of preliminary results or an innovative idea. These papers should not exceed 6 pages.
** Demo papers **
Authors can submit short descriptions of a system. These papers should not exceed 4 pages. Authors of demo papers should be willing to share (a screencast of) the demo privately with the reviewers, if so requested.
— Important dates —
Abstract submission deadline: 4 September 2022 (recommended)
Paper (short and long) submission deadline: 11 September 2022
Demo submission deadline: 11 September 2022
Notification of acceptance: 16 October 2022
Camera-ready deadline: 23 October 2022
Workshops and tutorials: 14 December 2022
Doctoral Consortium: 14 December 2022
Main Conference: 15-16 December 2022
— Organization —
Program Chair:
– Enrico Francesconi, IGSG-CNR, Florence, Italy
Organizing co-chairs
– Georg Borges and Christoph Sorge, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany
For questions, please contact the Program Chair (enrico.francesconi AT or the Organizing Chairs (georg.borges AT, christoph.sorge AT