Open positions on the Jurix Board

As of the end of last year, two acting members of the board of the Jurix foundation have resigned from the board. The position of scientific coordinator has been vacant for some time already. This means that at the moment, the board only consists of Radboud Winkels (chair). As you will understand, the current situation is not beneficial for the continued existence of Jurix and its activities (such as the very successful, yearly Jurix conference).

Open positions are:

  • Secretary (mailings, website, meeting agendas and minutes)
  • Scientific Coordinator (organisation of Jurix meetings/talks, conference quality control)
  • Treasurer  (overseeing income and expenditure of the foundation and conferences)

We therefore make a serious appeal to Jurix members and associates to consider fulfilling a position on the board, and to send their application to one of the acting and/or demissionary members of the board. Depending on the number of applications, the board will propose a suitable procedure.

