Competition on Legal Information Extraction/Entailment (COLIEE) 2022,
in association with the International Workshop on Juris-Informatics (JURISIN) 2022
June 12-14, 2022, Japan (exact date to be determined)
As an associated event of JURISIN 2022, we are happy to announce the 9th Competition on Legal Information Extraction and Entailment (COLIEE-2022), which will include tasks on both statute law and case law.
Four tasks are included in the 2022 edition: Tasks 1 and 2 are about case law, and tasks 3 and 4 are on statute law. Task 1 is a legal case retrieval task, and it involves reading a new case Q, and extracting supporting cases S1, S2…, Sn from the provided case law corpus, to support the decision for Q. Task 2 is the legal case entailment task, which involves the identification of one or more paragraphs from an existing case that entail the decision of a new case. As in previous COLIEE competitions, Task 3 is to consider a yes/no legal question Q and retrieve relevant statutes from a database of Japanese civil code statutes; Task 4 is to confirm entailment of a yes/no answer from the retrieved civil code statutes.
Further details can be found in the following URL:
The datasets for Task 1 and Task 2 are in English, and the datasets for Task 3 and Task 4 are available both in Japanese and English (translation from Japanese bar exams and civil code). You can choose any (or both) language datasets and any task for participation.
The intention is to build a community of practice regarding legal information processing and textual entailment, so that the adoption and adaptation of general methods from a variety of fields is considered, and that participants share their approaches, problems, and results.
We require participants to submit a paper on their method and experimental results to JURISIN 2022 in accordance with the instructions specified at and to present the paper at a special session of JURISIN 2022.
These papers will be reviewed in the same way as usual submissions to JURISIN 2022 and extended versions could be submitted to an LNAI post-proceeding of JSAI-IsAI2022 (the name of symposium in which JURISIN 2022 is included). Selected papers will be published in the LNAI post-proceedings.
Important dates:
15 Jan, 2022: COLIEE 2022 announcement and Training data release
25 Feb, 2022: Test data release
15 Mar, 2022: Submission deadline of competition test runs for task 3
22 Mar, 2022: Announcements of rankings/ assessments for task 3 and announcements of answers (relevant article(s) for each question) for task 4
29 Mar, 2022: Submission deadline of competition test runs for task 1, 2, 4
05 Apr, 2022: Announcements of rankings/ assessments for tasks 1, 2, 4
15 Apr, 2022: Paper submission deadline for the COLIEE workshop
30 Apr, 2022: Notification for the COLIEE workshop paper
15 May, 2022: Camera-ready copy deadline
12-14 Jun, 2022: JURISIN 2022 (one day for the COLIEE workshop – TBD)