Call for Papers: Online Dispute Resolution (ODR 2010)

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6th International Workshop on Online Dispute Resolution (ODR 2010) at JURIX 2010,

Liverpool, United Kingdom, December 15 2010

As part of the JURIX 2010 conference in Liverpool UK, we will hold a Workshop on Online dispute resolution.  This workshop is a follow on from successful workshops at JURIX 2008 and ICAIL 2009.



Brooke Abrahams,

Marta Poblet,

John Zeleznikow,

Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) continues to be a fertile domain breeding new approaches on how to manage disputes online. Recent developments regarding the Web 2.0, the Semantic Web, and the mobile Web open up an emerging paradigm based on consumer-oriented services, collaboration, open standards and interoperability. Yet, ODR initiatives need to balance these trends with critical requirements such as reputation, trust, confidentiality, privacy and enforceability.

As in the previous five editions of the Workshop, the 6th International ODR Workshop aims at offering a forum for the exchange of ideas and projects between people with different backgrounds, such as providers of ODR-services, researchers in the fields of ADR/ODR, law, argumentation, negotiation and AI & Law as well as practitioners, justice experts and others.

Topics covered:

  • Argumentation and ODR
  • Decision support for ODR
  • Theories of dispute resolution and ODR
  • Modeling and designing of ODR systems
  • Tools and techniques for assisted negotiation, automated negotiation, online mediation, and online arbitration
  • Empirical research on ODR use cases and projects
  • ODR in e-commerce
  • ODR in e-government
  • ODR and e-justice
  • ODR in peace-building processes
  • ODR in online communities
  • Mobile ODR
  • Reputation issues in ODR
  • Psychological and cognitive factors in ODR
  • ODR protocols and standards
  • Legal issues in ODR

Submission information:

  • Authors are invited to submit both papers up to a maximum of 5000 words, and position papers of approximately 500 words
  • Camera-ready papers should be in Springer Word format (based on lecture notes computer science series), and with a length of 10 to 15 pages. A Word template may be found here.
  • Send your proposals by mail (


  • November 10th: paper submission by e-mail (idt at
  • November 20th: notification of acceptance
  • November 30th: final papers due

Programme Committee (Preliminary)

  • Brooke Abrahams, School of Management and Information Systems, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
  • Jeff Aresty, The Internet Bar
  • Emilia Bellucci, School of Management and Information Systems, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
  • Pompeu Casanovas, Institute of Law and Technology, Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • Ethan Katsh, National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
  • Arno R. Lodder, Centre for Electronic Dispute Resolution, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • Barbara Madonik, Unicom Communication Consultants Inc
  • Orna Rabinovich Einy, Haifa Center of Law & Technology
  • Laurens Mommers, Law School, University of Leiden
  • Pablo Noriega, Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, CSIC, Spain
  • Marta Poblet, Institute of Law and Technology, Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • Colin Rule, ODR at eBay, San Jose, USA
  • Uri Schild, Bar Ilan University, Israel
  • Douglas N. Walton, University of Windsor, Canada
  • John Zeleznikow, School of Management and Information Systems, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
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