CFP: Workshop "Network Analysis in Law"

English: The Pantheon in Rome, Italy
English: The Pantheon in Rome, Italy (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Friday June 14th 2013, Rome, Italy
In conjunction with ICAIL 2013: XIV International Conference on AI and Law

This workshop aims to bring together researchers from computational social
science, computational legal theory, network science and related disciplines
in order to discuss the use and usefulness of network analysis in the legal
domain. We are thinking of both *social* networks (of e.g. legal scholars or
criminals) and the network of *sources of law* (sources referring to other
sources form a network). Topics include the (re)construction, analysis and
visualisation of these networks and their interactions.

We invite papers on and demonstrations of original work on these and other
aspects of network analysis in the legal field. Submissions will be subject to
a light review process on appropriateness for this call, originality of the
research described and technical quality.

Submission of papers not exceeding 3000 words should be done through Easychair

Important Dates
Submission due:                    May 1st 2013
Accept/Reject notification:      May 15th 2013

Workshop Format: Short presentations and/or demonstrations and discussion.

Publication Opportunities: Selected papers will be published in a volume of
the Series “Law Science Technology”, published by ESI.

More information:

Dr. Radboud G.F. Winkels
Leibniz Center for Law
PO Box 1030
1000 BA Amsterdam

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