CFP: Legal Open Data: from Institutions to Crowd-sourcing (legalOD)

Workshop of ICAIL 2013: XIV International Conference on AI and Law at 10th June 2013 in Rome

Venue: Casa dell’Aviatore, Viale dell’Università 20, Rome, Italy

English: Open Data stickers
English: Open Data stickers (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


The time is ripe for investigating the connections between the representation of legal XML texts and open data paradigms. For years these two communities have pursued their goals separately, but now emerging XML-based standards oriented both to legal documents (Akoma Ntoso, CEN Metalex, national XML standards, etc.) and to datasets (Linked open data, DCAT, etc.) justify the possibility to combine their techniques and foster their concrete application in the society. Several legislative institutions (such as Parliaments, Official Gazettes, etc.) have designed and implemented interesting applications that are among the first examples of crowd-sourced web portals managed by citizens, organizations, movements (e.g. Aaron Swartz’s Law, M5S Italian Movement, OpenParlamento, several private GitHub repositories, etc.). Yet, the legal XML standards are among the necessary technologies for enabling a shared mechanism for lawmaking. The open data approach, when implemented by the deliberative institutions, are instrumental to these activities, at least in order to release the authoritative legal sources as starting points for crowd-sourced annotations, thus improving participation, transparency, cooperation and mediation of different interests coming from the society.

This workshop aims to examine the relationships between Legal XML experiences in deliberative and legislative bodies and the Open Data phenomena, including the horizontal cooperation between institutional organizations and private initiatives through crowd-sourcing.

Questions we will try to address:

  • Are the deliberative/legislative bodies ready for Legal Open Data?
  • How can Legal XML contribute to Legal Open Data?
  • How can crowd-sourcing improve the quality of citizen participation to the lawmaking process?
  • Which cooperation is possible between public and private sectors?
  • Can GitHub and similar initiatives contribute to drive the political debate?

Keynote speakers

Welcome from Gherardo Casini, Global Center for ICT in Parliament, UN/DESA

  • Claudio Fabiani, European Parliament
  • Carlo Marchetti, Senate of Italy
  • Elena F. Candia, Chamber of Deputies of Italy
  • Nina Koch, Ministry of Justice and Danish Parliament
  • Davide Barillari, Consigliere Movimento 5 Stelle, Regione Lazio

Important dates

Paper submission: May 4th, 2013

Notification of acceptance/rejection: May 20th, 2013

Registration fee

Check the ICAIL2013 web site for more information

Submission guidelines

Papers must be original contributions written in English and must be submitted at as short Papers (8 pages).

Please upload all submissions in LNCS format ( To ensure high quality, submitted papers will be carefully peer-reviewed by 3 PC members based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition.

Publication opportunities

Selected papers will be published in AICOL IV book form in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, by March 2014, after a double peer-review process expected for October 2013.

Program Committee

  • Tom Bruce, Cornell University, Legal Information Institute
  • Pompeu Casanovas, University Autonoma of Barcelona, IDT
  • Tom van Engers, Leibniz Center for Law
  • Enrico Francesconi, ITTIG, CNR
  • Rinke Hoekstra, VU University Amsterdam/University of Amsterdam
  • Monica Palmirani, University of Bologna, CIRSFID
  • Ugo Pagallo, University of Turin
  • Giovanni Sartor, EUI and University of Bologna, CIRSFID
  • Fabio Vitali, University of Bologna, Department of Computer Science
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