Jurix 2009 – Accepted Papers

The following papers have been accepted for the Jurix 2009 conference. Registration details will follow shortly on the conference website.

Accepted as Full Papers:
Author(s) Title
Barabucci, Gioele; Vitali, Fabio XDTD as a Simple Validation Language for XML-based Legal Documents
Bench-Capon, Trevor; Prakken, Henry A case study of hypothetical and value-based reasoning in US Supreme-Court cases
Boella, Guido; Pigozzi, Gabriella; Van der Torre, Leon Five Guidelines for Normative Multiagent Systems
Burgemeestre, Brigitte; Hulstijn, Joris; Tan, Yao-Hua Rule-based versus Principle-based Regulatory Compliance
de Maat, Emile; van de Ven, Saskia; Winkels, Radboud Automated Handling of Amending Documents and Resulting Consolidations
Francesconi, Enrico An Approach to Legal Rules Modelling and Automatic Learning
Hoekstra, Rinke BestPortal: Lessons Learned in Lightweight Semantic Access to Court Proceedings
Jedrzejek, Czeslaw; Falkowski, Maciej; Smolenski, Maciej Link Analysis of Fuel Laundering Scams and Implications of Results for Scheme Understanding and Prosecutor Strategy
Keppens, Jeroen Conceptions of Vagueness in Subjective Probability for Evidential Reasoning
Lynch, Collin; Ashley, Kevin D.; Pinkwart, Niels; Aleven, Vincent Argument Diagramming and Complex Statements: The Challenges of Reification.
Mayor, Eunate; Izquierdo, Luis; Sartor, Giovanni Nice and Nasty Lawyers, is the legal system to blame? Agent-based simulation insights
Opsomer, Rob; De Meyer, Geert; Cornelis, Chris; Van Eetvelde, Greet Exploiting Properties of Legislative Texts to Improve Classification Accuracy
Palmirani, Monica; Cervone, Luca Legal Change Management with Native XML Repository
Satoh, Ken; Kubota, Masahiro; Nishigai, Yoshiaki; Takano, Chiaki Translating the Japanese Presupposed Ultimate Fact Theory into Logic Programming
Sonntag, Michael Generating cases for E-Learning
Accepted as Short Papers:
Author(s) Title
Boer, Alexander W. F. MetaLex Naming Conventions and the Semantic Web
Carneiro, Davide; Novais, Paulo; Andrade, Francisco; Zeleznikow, John; Neves, José The Legal Precedent in Online Dispute Resolution
Förhécz, András; Kőrösi, Gábor; Millinghoffer, András; Strausz, György Emerald: Legal Knowledge Engineering Using OWL and Rules
Liebwald, Doris An Ontology for the Transposition of the EU Services Directive
Scarpato, Noemi; Pazienza, Maria Teresa; Stellato, Armando STIA: Experience of Semantic Annotation in Jurisprudence Domain
Ven, Saskia van de; Boer, Alexander; Engers, Tom van Change Management in a networked Environment
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