CODEX Resident Fellowship 2011/2012

Codex – The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics ( is accepting applications for a Resident Fellowship for the 2011-12 academic year.  Codex is a cross-disciplinary research center jointly operated by Stanford Law School and the Stanford School of Engineering. The center’s mission is to explore the application of technology toward improving the quality, efficiency, and […]

Jurix Proceedings

We have just added links and titles for Jurix 2005 conference papers to the proceedings page. This is part of a larger effort to improve the accessibility of the Jurix proceedings published since 2005. We’ll keep you posted!

ICAIL 2011: Workshops and Tutorials

The ICAIL 2011 organizers are pleased to report that the conference will include six workshops and two tutorials.  They are listed below, along with the tentative schedule,  the names of the organizers, and the web sites where fuller descriptions and calls for workshop papers can be found. All workshop and tutorial participants will be expected […]

PhD position on Multi Agent Systems at UvA

A PhD position on agent concepts in public administration at the Leibniz Center for Law, University of Amsterdam The PhD student will work on the design methodology for multi-agent simulations, and address the interesting theoretical questions we have about agent role descriptions as design components in multi-agent simulation. The PhD student will also give input […]