The uses of argument
A conference sponsored by the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation
May 18-21, 2005
McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
Keynote speakers:
- J. ANTHONY BLAIR, University Professor of Philosophy, University of Windsor
- JEANNE FAHNESTOCK, Professor of English, University of Maryland, College Park
- STEPHEN E. TOULMIN, University Professor and Adjunct Professor of Anthropology, International Relations, and Religion, University of Southern California
The Programme Committee invites proposals for papers on any topic in the theory of argumentation. It particularly encourages proposals on the two conference themes:
- the uses of argument (including taxonomies of the functions of argument and the implications of recognizing one or more identified functions of argument)
- contemporary research using the Toulmin model for the layout of arguments, first presented in his The Uses of Argument (Cambridge, 1958).
For further information, see
Abstracts, prepared for blind refereeing, must be submitted electronically no later than September 7, 2004, and should be between 400 and 500 words long. Submissions should be accompanied by a separate statement (maximum 300 words) of the author’s relevant interests and background. Graduate students* are also encouraged to apply.
(The J. Anthony Blair Prize is awarded to the best student paper presented at the conference.)
Abstracts (with the heading ‘OSSA 2005’) should be sent to:
Programme Committee:
- David Hitchcock (organizing committee)
- Mark Vorobej (organizing committee)
- David M. Godden
- Hans V. Hansen
- Christopher W. Tindale
*Canadian graduate students who need assistance in order to attend should advise the Organizing Committee when they submit their proposals.