Call for Participation
31st International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems
(JURIX 2018)
Groningen (The Netherlands), 12-14 december 2018
For more than 30 years, the JURIX conference has provided an international forum for research on the intersection of Law, Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems, under the auspices of the JURIX Foundation for Legal Knowledge Systems.
This year, out of 73 submissions we accepted seventeen full papers and eleven short papers. We have 6 workshops, a doctoral consortium and a hackathon.
It is encouraging to see that the contributions cover all aspects of this diverse field: theoretical, focused on a better understanding of argumentation, legal reasoning, norms and legal knowledge modelling (e.g. ontologies and rules); empirical, targeted to extracting knowledge form legal texts using machine learning or NLP techniques and to visualise it in the best manner for the end user; and papers describing practical applications.
More information, including a list of accepted papers, can be found at the conference website:
Invited speakers
Marie-Francine Moens (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Jeroen van den Hoven (TU Delft, The Netherlands)
Important dates
Early registration deadline: 3 December 2018
Hackathon submission Deadline: 10 November 2018
Deadline for workshop and doctoral consortium submissions: 14 November 2018
Workshops, hackathon and doctoral consortium: 12 December 2018
Main conference: 13 & 14 December 2018
Program Chair:
– Monica Palmirani, CIRSFID, University of Bologna, Italy
Organising co-chairs:
– Jeanne Mifsud Bonnici, Faculty of Law, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
– Henry Prakken, Faculty of Law, University of Groningen & Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
– Bart Verheij, Bernoulli Institute of Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Contact and administration:
– Sarah van Wouwe (
Conference web page: