Research towards online legal aid tool

The universities of Twente and Tilburg received a subsidy for the project `diagnosis and triage for conflicts’. The project will develop and evaluate an online tool for legal aid. The tool is intended to improve people’s self-support and temper unrealistic expectations of chances in court. The University of Twente will focus on psychological aspects, whereas […]

RuleML 2010: Call for Papers

The 4th International Web Rule Symposium (RuleML 2010) will be held near Washington DC (USA), October 21-23, 2010. The symposium is colocated with the 13th International Business Rules Forum, the premier industry conference on business rules. RuleML has a special track on Rules and Norms. For more information see the RuleML 2010 website. Important dates Abstract submission […]

Changes in Jurix Board

The resigning board is delighted that the call for reinforcements has led to two applications for the vacant positions: Rinke Hoekstra (UvA/VU) has applied for the position of secretary, and Jelle van Veenen (UvT) applied for the position of treasurer. Henry Prakken (UU/RUG) would like to become the next chair of Jurix. The board proposes […]