Call for participation COLIEE 2022

Competition on Legal Information Extraction/Entailment (COLIEE) 2022, in association with the International Workshop on Juris-Informatics (JURISIN) 2022 June 12-14, 2022, Japan (exact date to be determined) As an associated event of JURISIN 2022, we are happy to announce the 9th Competition on Legal Information Extraction and Entailment (COLIEE-2022), which will include tasks on […]

Call for papers JURIX 2021

Dear all, please find here the latest version of our call for papers: Updates can be found on our website In case of any questions, please send me an e-mail at If necessary, an extension of the submission phase (now September 15) can be discussed. Best, Erich Schweighofer

Call for papers JURIX 2020

Call for Papers of the 33rd International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 2020) — JURIX 2020 has moved entirely to an online format — — Topics — For more than 30 years, the JURIX conference has provided an international forum for research on the intersection of Law, Artificial Intelligence and Information […]

Call for Participation ICAIL 2019 – Montreal 17-21 June

Call for Participation ICAIL 2019 – The 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law Cyberjustice Laboratory, University of Montreal, Canada, June 17 to June 21, 2019 ICAIL 2019, the foremost international conference addressing research in Artificial Intelligence and Law, will take place in Montreal, Canada, at the Cyberjustice Laboratory of the University of Montreal […]