Surfnet has announced the imminent discontinuation of their Listserve services, which we used to manage the Jurix announcement mailinglist. We have therefore migrated to a Google Group: Existing members of the Jurix list have been added or invited to the list.
Inaugural Lecture Prof.dr. Ronald Leenes
Op vrijdag 16 april 2010 om 16.15 uur precies zal Prof.dr. R.E. Leenes hoogleraar Regulering door Technologie, zijn ambt aanvaarden met het houden van een openbare rede, getiteld: Harde lessen – apologie van technologie als reguleringsinstrument in de aula van de Universiteit van Tilburg, Warandelaan 2, Tilburg. De Rector Magnificus nodigt alle belangstellenden uit tot het […]
Goodbye lecture Aernout Schmidt and 25 years of eLaw@Leiden
At the end of March, Aernout Schmidt will turn 65, and eLaw@Leiden will turn 25. These two “life events” will be commemorated in the following way: Friday 26 March, at 16:15Goodbye lecture of Aernout titled “Met de kennis van nu” in the “Groot Auditorium”, followed by reception. Saturday 27 Marchelaw25jaar-symposium. You are kindly requested to […]
Semantic Web meeting on Linking Open Dutch Data
On Friday, February 12th, the VU University Amsterdam will organise a Dutch Semantic Web Meetup on the topic of Linking Open Dutch Data. With the recent launch of e.g. the UK‘s portal, this application area of Semantic Web technology currently has a lot of momentum. See for more information and registration details. Rinke […]