JURIX 2014: Deadline extended to 12 September, 23:59HADT

The JURIX 2014 deadline has been extended to the 12th of September. Submissions via https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=jurix2014 We accept research papers (10 pages, IOS style), or short poster/demo papers (4 pages). Full details can be found on the JURIX 2014 website: http://conference.jurix.nl/2014 Looking forward to your submissions! Rinke Hoekstra PC Chair

JURIX 2014 Call for Papers

We are happy to announce the Call for Papers for JURIX 2014 in Krakow, Poland. The conference website is still under development, but will soon be filled with more information about the venue. Please spread the word! https://jurix.nl/conferences/jurix-2014-call-for-papers/ and http://conference.jurix.nl/2014 or #jurix2014 –Rinke Hoekstra   Important Dates: Paper Submission: 5 September, 2014 at 23:55 HADT […]

Call for Papers: JURIX 2013

The 26th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems University of Bologna (Italy), 11th-13th December 2013 http://conference.jurix.nl/2013 Entering a second quarter century of supporting and enhancing cutting edge research in the interface between law and computer technology, the 2013 JURIX conference will take place at the University of Bologna. Key Themes We invite submission of original […]