Image via Wikipedia Summer School on Managing Legal Resources in the Semantic Web A one-week program addressing the management of legal resources in the Semantic Web 6th-11th September, Ravenna, Italy This edition of the LeX Summer School is organized in two courses: A Basic Course providing an introduction to XML web technologies and to […]
LOAIT 2010 Workshop
4th Workshop on Legal Ontologies and Artificial Intelligence Techniques “Legal Concepts and Ontologies: knowledge representation, comparison, harmonization and learning” July 7th, 2010, Fiesole (Florence), Italy Paper submission: May 3rd, 2010 (***Extended deadline: May 16th, 2010***) held in conjunction with Deon-10 The LOAIT workshop aims to offer an overview of theories and well-founded applications […]
ICAIL 2011 Conference
Image via Wikipedia ICAIL 2011: The 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, will be held 6-10 June 2011 at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. (thanks to the legal informatics blog for posting) For more information, please see the conference Website, or the IAAIL website.
Open positions on the Jurix Board
As of the end of last year, two acting members of the board of the Jurix foundation have resigned from the board. The position of scientific coordinator has been vacant for some time already. This means that at the moment, the board only consists of Radboud Winkels (chair). As you will understand, the current situation […]